Town Hall 5 Hybrid Base Layout with Layout Copy Link

Town Hall 5 Hybrid Base Layout with Layout Copy Link

Today, we’re making a  Town Hall 5 Hybrid Base Layout. On this base, the town hall is placed in the center compartment. And five different compartments are placed around the center compartment where townhall is placed. But the town side compartment is open from two sides.  on the open compartment, three cannons are placed for defensive. mine bombs are also placed on the pathway of that compartment.

Townhall is placed with a mortar and air defense on the center compartment. Archer tower and gold storage are placed on the left side compartment. on the right side compartment, elixir storage, and archer tower are placed. on the upper side compartment wizard tower, archer tower, gold storage, and elixir storage are placed. Clan castle is placed on the right side of the town hall from the outside of the walls.

Let check the defensive structure on the layout

Three archer towers are placed on the three sides of the base in three different compartments. On the downside of the base where the archer tower is not placed, three cannons are placed as a trap. wizard tower, air defense, and mortar are placed on the center part of the layout with giving them an extended life. all the mine bombs are placed on the bottom side of the base where the open compartment is placed. That will help to destroy the opponent troops.


If you want to see speeds build of the Latest TH 5 Hybrid Base, you can watch the video I’ve uploaded on my YouTube channel. You can watch it here, just click on the button below:-

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Thanks, guys for visiting this site. If you want to copy this base layout to your game just click on the “Copy Base” button.

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