New Town Hall 8 TH8 TROPHY Base 2018 August!! Th8 Base Design [DEFENSE] – Clash of Clans

In this TH8 TROPHY Base 2018 August layout both Town Hall and Clan Castle are placed in the middle of the base. And all the Hidden Tesla are placed outside of the bottom of the base so that the CC troops cannot be lower outside the base at the beginning of the attack, Which will help a lot in defending the base. and Townhall is guarded with Geared Archer Tower and Geared Cannon from the upper side of the base.
And the entire base is cover with the Air Defenses against Dragon and balloon. And we have placed wizard tower and bomb tower just around the Air Defense to support AD.
And we have created as many compartments as possible to prevent ground attacking strategy from getting 3 stars. So always fill Clan Castle with troops for defending the base, because in this base CC troops play a big role in defending the base.
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