New Town Hall 8 TH8 TROPHY Base 2018 | CoC BEST Th8 Base 2018 [DEFENSE] – Clash of Clans 2018

This TH8 TROPHY Base 2018 layout is good for the trophy protection. In this layout Town Hall, Barbarian King, Clan Castle, and Dark Elixir Storage are placed in the middle of the base. And it is protected with the Air as well as Ground Defensive buildings.
It looks like it will be really easy to take down Town Hall from the bottom of the base, But it isn’t. Because all the Giant Bombs are placed in that area, as well as all the Defensive buildings that do some heavy and splash damage are also placed in there.
And for preventing Air Attacking, there are well placed Air Defenses that cover the whole area of the base. And to provide backup for these buildings Wizard Towers, Archer Towers and other traps.
And the biggest advantage of this base is that the CC troops are really hard to lower.
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